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Integrating limit order v2

Jupiter Limit Order v2 (LO) provides users with the simplest way to place limit orders on Solana and receive tokens directly in your wallet when the order is filled.

This page will serve as a general guide on integrating LO into your use case. whether you are building a bot for yourself or looking to integrate with existing (d)apps, Jupiter's LO program will work regardless of programming language used.

Learn more about the mechanics of Jupiter's LO here

Start using Limit Order APIs: here

Program Address

LO v2 Program (mainnet-beta):j1o2qRpjcyUwEvwtcfhEQefh773ZgjxcVRry7LDqg5X

Create Limit Order API Walkthrough

This guide will show you how to create limit orders using Jupiter APIs. It also applies to canceling orders.

Install Required Libraries

We recommend using NodeJS >= 18 for the native fetch API

bun install @solana/web3.js bs58

We recommend **NodeJS >= 18** for native `fetch` support.

You can use any of these package managers:

- **bun**
- **npm**
- **pnpm**
- **yarn**

# bun has built-in dotenv support:
bun install @solana/web3.js bs58

Import Libraries and Set Up RPC Connection

import {
} from "@solana/web3.js";
import bs58 from "bs58";

const RPC_URL = process.env.RPC_URL;
if (!RPC_URL) throw "missing RPC_URL env var";

const RPC_CONNECTION = new Connection(RPC_URL);

For TypeScript, these are the request body and response types that can be used.

type CreateOrder = {
inputMint: string;
outputMint: string;
maker: string;
payer: string;
params: {
makingAmount: string;
takingAmount: string;
expiredAt?: string;
feeBps?: string;
computeUnitPrice: string | "auto";
referral?: string;
inputTokenProgram?: string;
outputTokenProgram?: string;
wrapAndUnwrapSol?: boolean;

type CreateOrderResponse = {
order: string;
tx: string;

Set Up Your Wallet

Set up your wallet by decoding the private key from a base-58 string. Do not use private keys directly in production.

const WALLET_PRIV_KEY = process.env.WALLET_PRIV_KEY;
if (!WALLET_PRIV_KEY) throw "missing WALLET_PRIV_KEY";

const wallet = Keypair.fromSecretKey(bs58.decode(WALLET_PRIV_KEY));

Get the serialized transactions to create the limit order

Here we will do the following:

  1. Create the request body,
  2. Submit it to the API server,
  3. Deserialize the transaction from the response, and
  4. Sign and submit the transaction on chain Do note that steps 2-4 are asynchronous and may reject. It is recommended to wrap this section in a try-catch block and handle the errors accordingly.

Creating the request body

In this example, we are creating a limit order to buy 100 USDC for 0.05 SOL with no expiry and using auto for the computeUnitPrice. For advanced users, you may specify a numerical computeUnitPrice.

const createOrderBody: CreateOrder = {
maker: wallet.publicKey.toBase58(),
payer: wallet.publicKey.toBase58(),
inputMint: "So11111111111111111111111111111111111111112",
outputMint: "EPjFWdd5AufqSSqeM2qN1xzybapC8G4wEGGkZwyTDt1v",
params: {
makingAmount: "50000000", // 0.05 SOL
takingAmount: "100000000", // 100 USDC

// "auto" sets the priority fee based on network congestion
// and it will be capped at 500,000
computeUnitPrice: "auto",

Send request to API server

Ensure that the method of the request is POST and that the body of the request is a stringified CreateOrder type.

const fetchOpts: RequestInit<RequestInitCfProperties> = {
method: "POST",
headers: {
Accept: "application/json",
"Content-Type": "application/json",
body: JSON.stringify(createOrderBody),

const response = await fetch(

Sign and submit the transaction on chain

Sending the transaction on chain does NOT mean that the transaction is successful. We recommend using the hash returned from RPC_CONNECTION.sendRawTransaction() and:

  • Check if the hash appears on an explorer, or
  • Use RPC_CONNECTION.confirmTransaction() Note that transactions may not appear on chain for some time. We recommend retrying (repeat the entire flow) only if the transaction has landed on chain but has failed (likely due to an invalid input), or if the transaction does not appear on chain after ~2 minutes*.
// Deserialise base64 tx response
const { order, tx } = await response.json<CreateOrderResponse>();
const txBuff = Buffer.from(tx, "base64");
const vtx = VersionedTransaction.deserialize(txBuff);

// Sign with wallet
const rpcSendOpts: SendOptions = { skipPreflight: true };
const hash = await RPC_CONNECTION.sendRawTransaction(